Get Lat Long
from Address Real Quick

Pinpoint helps you convert addresses (as text) to geographic coordinates or reverse. Easily find where each place is located in maps with our comprehensive databases including business names and house numbers.


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Why Pinpoint?

Look at our abilities that go beyond the competition.

Reason 1


Pinpoint provides the most accurate Geocoding API in Thailand.

Reason 2


Bilingual Search in Thai and English

Reason 3

Batch Service

Search for multiple locations at once

Reason 4

Pinpoint Usability

Using all features on Pinpoint website, API or end-to-end solutions

Pinpoint Utilization

Convert addresses to geographic coordinates to create maps visualization.

Deeper customer insight

Visualizing customer data allows companies to gain a clear idea of the customer insight and make it easier to identify trends and patterns in each location.

Application 1
Application 2

Customer-supplier relationship management

See a bigger picture and be able to plan and manage a route to maximize human capital with data visualizations.

Sales support tools

Plug in Pinpoint to your platform so that you can create multiple directions links to ease sales visits and drivers.

Application 3

Grow Your Business with Pinpoint

Pinpoint is applicable to nearly all businesses.

Transport and Logistics

Transport and Logistics

Use Pinpoint to develop logistical and transport infrastructure. Pinpoint maps’ accuracy helps organizations cut costs effectively and decrease shipping mistakes.

Location accuracy

Location accuracy

Route optimization

Route optimization

Financial Products and Services

Financial Products and Services


To improve overall customer satisfaction and experience, Pinpoint allows businesses to gain customer insight in particular localities to target marketing campaigns for financial products. Banks can also utilize customer databases to optimize ATM & branch locations with Pinpoint.



ATM and Branch Optimization

ATM and Branch Optimization


Pinpoint helps insurance companies to perform risk assessment with location analytics and determine an insurance premium rate and claims for customers in particular localities.



Marketing and Advertising

Marketing and Advertising

Understanding consumer behavior is crucial. With Pinpoint Geocoding, organizations can utilize customer databases to conduct customer analysis and improve marketing strategy for each particular location.

Moreover, organizations can also maximize reach with outdoor advertising and digital marketing by geographically segmenting a market by area.





Pinpoint allows retail businesses to create a profitable offline footprint and reach their target customers with location data like POI. With our geocoding feature, organizations can utilize customer databases to gain customer insight in particular localities.

Site Selection

Site Selection



Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

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API for Developers

API for Developers

Pinpoint can be used with JavaScript API and REST endpoints.